“Following the autobiographical Benjamin that Sontag visits in Under the sign of Saturn, here time becomes space and Frente, perfil y llanura traces the cartography of a sensibility. In this journey to the geographical interior and to the interior of Elena, the story breaks all chronological continuity, but in these disruptions it maintains simultaneity. It is not a linear path or the mere superimposition of a character in an environment, nor is it the chronological succession of memories or the static contemplation of the past. There is a concern for accurately registering the streets, the paths, the traps, the landmarks, the sentimental constitution inscribed in the landscape. “
Alejandra Baldovin
Frente, perfil y llanura. – 1st ed. – Córdoba : caballo negro editora, 2013.
150 p. ; 20 x 14 cm. ISBN 978-987-29176-1-6
1. Argentine Narrative. I. Title CDD A863
Cataloging date: 13/06/2013
caballo negro editora
Design: Gonzalo Peralta / Guillermo Barbero
Cover art: Belén Rivero Ríos
© 2013 caballo negro editora © 2013 Leticia Obeid
ISBN 978-987-29176-1-6