Preparação para o amor is a diary, a travel chronicle, an amour fou novel, a notebook, all at the same time. Edited as an object where two parallel stories coexist – an intimate diary on the odd pages and the footnotes on the even pages – the text covers the theme of love as an object of study that escapes its own protagonists, constructing an amorous soliloquy addressed to the absent loved one and a handful of reflections on the experience of love with its gender issues, its cultural, class, and origins barriers.
Obeid, Leticia
Preparação para o amor
Originally published in Spanish as Preparación para el amor.
Translation: Renato Tapado
Publisher: Par(ent)esis
Editorial coordination: Gabi Bresola y Regina Melim
Graphic project: Pedro Franz
Printed in Gráfica Cinelândia, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 2019.