The resurrection workshop
L`Officina della resurrezione is a musical work composed by Fabián Panisello in 2013 in collaboration with italian writer Erri de Lucca who reelaborated a part of the Book of Ezekiel, Old Testament, a passage in the Bible called The valley of dry bones. My contribution was the visual work that accompanied its execution live in the main auditorium of the Reina Sofía Museum, Madrid, in February 2017, within the framework of the oficial invitation that Spain made to Argentina as guest country in the ARCO Art Fair.
The video shows a series of fossils that belong to the collections of the Museum of Natural Sciences in Buenos Aires. There, paleontological pieces of plant species, vertebrates and microorganisms that existed in the earth millions of years ago are housed. Some are native specimens, others were brought from other collections, from other parts of the world. Where the carbon of the bones and plants was replaced by silicon, the stone kept the forms and modern science has been able, in the last two hundred years, to resuscitate in some way the information that these bodies carry.
Composition: Fabián Panisello
Texts: Erri de Luca y Libro de Ezequiel
Interpreters: Holger Falk (Baritone) and PluralEnsemble
Direction: Fabián Panisello
Video: Leticia Obeid
Camara: Juan Renau
Edition: Laura Preger
Duration: 23:52 minutos
Made with the support of the Ministry of Culture of the Argentine Nation within the framework of Argentina Plataforma Arco.
Curator: Sonia Becce